Not Exactly off the Registry...

Posted on: Saturday, November 21, 2009

I love giving the perfect gift and often try to come up with something thoughtful. One of my best friends asked me to be in her wedding last fall and I was ecstatic! I knew exactly what I wanted to do for her wedding present. My plan was to create a keepsake from the big day. I love to needlepoint and thought it would be exciting for her to have something with her new monogram on it. I made a needlepoint inset for a pillow that matched the color scheme of the wedding. Then, I took my bridesmaid dress and used the fabric to create a pillow. I chose a trim that matched, then I sent everything off to be finished. Insetting needlepoint into a pillow is very difficult. It is usually best left to the professionals. Any local needlepoint shop will have people they use for these types of projects.
I was so excited with the finished product and loved being able to present a tangible memory from the big day to my friend.


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