Kitchen: Buy, DIY, Cook & Drink

Posted on: Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If you know me, then you know that I am not a fan of the kitchen. I'm slowly working on my lack of interest in cooking by trying to pin some recipes and stock up on fun ideas for DIY projects. My ultimate (lofty) goal is to get my skillz in order and host a little dinner party. Above, is a board of my current inspiration.
From left to right rows top, middle, and bottom:

Buy: gold flatware like this (or this), store it like this, and tackle this DIY indigo dye napkin 
Make: violet ice cubes for guests water

Make: these amazing oyster shells. They are intended to be used as oyster salt cellars but I think they would be a darling place setting for a dinner party.
Make: Add a splash of color to boring cooking utensils with this ombre DIY. Perhaps if they're aesthetically pleasing I'll use them...

Cook: Two ingredient pancakes? Right this way people. This is the type of thing I can get on board with.
Drink:  Spring cocktails! I love the idea of having a signature cocktail at a dinner party- and I need to master the lime zest garnish among other mixology tricks! This round up of spring cocktails provides ample inspiration. I may need to stock up on a few king cube molds too!

Anything that gets you excited about cooking? I need all the help I can get!


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