Home Decor

Posted on: Monday, July 8, 2013

As of late, home decor is on my mind 24/7
Why? Because I've accepted an exciting new job, am packing up, and MOVING! 
I'm so excited for a new chapter in my life and naturally, to decorate a new space.

A little breakfast nook is an area I need to think about as well as extra seating.
Here are my current obsessions of the moment. Of course I want pairs of everything.

The spindle chair is at the very tip top of my wish list! I've been thinking I need to do something to mark this exciting change and celebrate it.  I rarely treat myself and want to have something that will serve as a symbol of this new endeavor. Do you reward yourself?
The chair is from Waiting On Martha which is an online boutique that just celebrated their first birthday yesterday! It can be fully customized from wood tone, to fabric, even the piping on the cushions. If you haven't had a chance to check out the site, you must go now- seriously!  



Annie said...
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