The Magic of Paint

Posted on: Monday, February 15, 2010

Paint has the ability to transform a room. It can make a bold statement or create a focal point. Sometimes all you need to create an incredible space is a can of paint!

(I couldn't resist using the image of my feature wall.)

images via LivingEtc


Chic Coles said...

We love the blue framed painted wall. The power of paint.

Lacquered Life said...

The photos are fab! It is so nice to know that you can do chic things with paint, instead of investing in wallpaper!

Danielle Sands said...

Love them all!

Also, I want to ask you about that pillow you made from your bridesmaid dress... hoping to create one myself!

Chic Geek said...

Absolutely! Such a fun project.. send me an inbox on face!

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