Posted on: Monday, January 4, 2010

Well hello "Le Charlote" !
Retails for $395.00

I absolutely, positively ADORE these beaded bib necklaces by Roarke New York. The collection debuted in 2009 and was created by former Bergdorf Goodman buyer Laetitia Stanfield and designer Migonne Gavigan. Their collaboration resulted in inception of the "Le Mairis" collection. Offering necklaces, bracelets, headpieces, and ties this duo has surely made their mark. Sassanova of Baltimore just started carrying these necklaces. You can find them there, or shop online at Roarke. The price for the "Le Charlote" necklace is pretty steep. Makes me wish I had a fairy godmother! However, the "Charo4" provides the same beaded chiffon look. The necklace hangs lower (with a 24 inch neck opening) and is more affordable priced at $210. You can see the necklace pictured below on the left.
The Ladies of ROARKE New York



High-Heeled Foot in the door said...

Wow that's amazing. I guess with all the bead work that's involved it isn't that pricy, but I'm totally waiting for a fairy godmother to gift it to me as well.

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